Internet Direct (Indy)

Retrieves a list of capabilities supported on the IMAP4 server.

TStrings used to store results for the command. 

Boolean - True on success.

Capability is a Boolean function that provides a list of the capabilities supported on the remote IMAP4 server. Capability implements the IMAP4 CAPABILTIY command, and returns the untagged response from the server as a series of lines in the ASlCapability argument. Calling the Capability method causes any existing values in ASlCapability to be cleared prior to retrieving the untagged response(s) from the remote server. 

Capability calls SendCmd to perform the IMAP4 CAPBILITY command, and parses values in a successful response into ASlCapability. There will be one capability per line in ASlCapability. 

Use of the Capability method is not dependent on a particular value in ConnectionState, and can be used at any time during the session. It is not necessary to issue a Capability call more than once for a client connection. 

Any line in ASlCapability which begins with "AUTH=" indicates that the server supports a particular authentication mechanism. The stored values for a Capability response are used in SASLMechanisms when AuthType contains the value atSASL. 

Other lines in ASlCapability may refer to extensions, revisions, or amendments to the IMAP4 specification, and are not enabled for an IMAP4 session without explicit client action to invoke the capability. 

Use IsCapabilityListed to determine if a particular string value is included in the Capabilities for the remote IMAP4 server.

Capability Capabilities Login AuthType SASLMechanisms IsCapabilityListed

Internet Direct (Indy) version 10.1.5
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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