The following table lists functions in this documentation.
Name |
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Converts ABNF rules and data to plain text. | |
Derives the year for a partial date value. | |
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Appends a byte value to the specified destination. | |
AppendBytes is a utility procedure used with TIdBytes values. | |
Adds a string value to existing data in a TIdBytes storage variable. | |
Converts an AS400-formatted date from a string to a native data type. | |
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Converts a string representing bits to an integer value. | |
Converts a single byte to its 2-byte hexadecimal representation. | |
Separates a string into a list of tokens using a specified delimiter. | |
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Converts a TIdByte value to the ordinal datatype. | |
Converts a byte value to a character data type. | |
Converts byte values to a 64-bit integer data type. | |
Converts a TIdByte value to the ordinal datatype. | |
Converts byte values to an IP version 6 network address. | |
Copies binary values from an array of bytes into an untyped buffer location. | |
Ordinal value of the TIdByte argument. Converts a TIdByte value to the ordinal datatype. | |
Converts a TIdBytes value to a String datatype. | |
Converts an array of byte values to its representation as a Word data type. | |
Converts a byte value to its hexadecimal representation. | |
Converts a byte value to its octal representation. | |
Converts a Cardinal value to its representation as a four character string. | |
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Checks for end-of-line characters at a position in a string. | |
Checks a character in a string for membership in a set of characters. | |
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Indicates the position where a character occurs in a specified string. | |
Converts a character to its representation as a two-byte hexadecimal value with a prefix. | |
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Determines user, group, and object permissions bits assigned using the specified Unix chmod value. | |
Converts a UNIX chmod value to a string that represents user, group, and Owner permissions. | |
Converts a UNIX chmod value to strings that represent user, group, and Owner permissions. | |
Constructs a comma-delimited list of values. | |
Fills a string list with values from a comma-delimited string. | |
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Compares DNS tree nodes for sorting purposes. | |
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Converts binary values from network byte order to host-specific byte order for the data type. | |
Converts binary values from network byte order to host-specific byte order for the data type. | |
Copies the source file to the destination file. | |
Copies byte values between Array of Byte variables. | |
Copies bytes values between TIdBytes instances. | |
Stores the ordinal data type in an array of bytes. | |
Copies bytes from an Int64 data type into an array of bytes. | |
Copies word values from a structured IP into an array of bytes. | |
Copies bytes values from the ordinal data type into the specified array of bytes. | |
Converts binary values from host byte order to network byte order for the data type. | |
Converts binary values from host byte order to network byte order for the data type. | |
Copy all or part of a string data type into the specified array bytes. | |
Copies bytes values from the ordinal data type into the specified array of bytes. | |
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Retrieves the process identifier for the active process. | |
Determines the process identifier for the current thread of execution in the application. | |
Converts a string to a native date/time value. | |
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Writes output used during debugging. | |
Converts Shift_JIS to ISO-2022-JP character set encoding. | |
Removes encoding applied to an email address. | |
Decodes a list of email addresses. | |
Decodes a message header with content and/or character set encoding. | |
Decodes the specified values using a decoder class reference. | |
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Indicates if the specified path already exists in the local file system. | |
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Converts Shift_JIS to ISO-2022-JP character set encoding. | |
Encodes RFC 2822 EMail Addresses that contains special characters. | |
Converts an email address to a string using contenta and transfer encodings and character set. | |
Encodes a message header that contains non-US-ASCII characters. | |
Encodes the specified values using an encoder class reference. | |
Ensure the message identifier contains angle brackets used in the NNTP protocol. | |
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Extracts an attribute value from a message header. | |
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Converts a TIdSyslogFacility value to a string. | |
Parses a token from the delimited input string. | |
Locates and returns the initial byte values up to the indicated delimiter. | |
Parses a token from the delimited input string without case-sensitivity. | |
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Retrieves the size of a specified file. | |
Initializes a specified number of bytes in an array of bytes to a specific value. | |
Retrieves a class instance to be used for the authentication method. | |
Locates the enumeration value for a character set name. | |
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Indicates the position where a character not in the search string occurs. | |
Locates the position where any of the characters in a search string occur in a string value. | |
Locates the preferred character set enumeration values for a given character set alias. | |
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This is function gaiErrorToWsaError. | |
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Gets the current time on the local system as an Integer file time value. | |
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Get the default file extension associated with a MIME type and subtype. | |
Retrieves the MIME type for a given file. | |
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Retrieves the handle or identifier for the specified thread. | |
Calculates the elapsed tick count from two tick count values. | |
Generates a unique file name with the specified path, prefix, and file extension. | |
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Converts an Internet time difference string to a native date/time value. | |
Converts a GMT time string to the local time. | |
Deletes a number of characters from a String beginning at a given position. | |
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Inserts a string value into an existing string at the indicated position. | |
List of defined ports in the services file for the local host. | |
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Assigns the global stack instance for the Indy library. | |
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Derives a return value based on a conditional expression. | |
Derives a return value based on a conditional expression. | |
Derives a return value based on a conditional expression. | |
Compares two strings case sensitively. | |
Determines the local host name for the computer system. | |
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Converts a string to it's lowercase representation. | |
Converts a string value to its Boolean representation. | |
Converts a string to it's uppercase representation. | |
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Determine if the current thread is the main thread for the application. | |
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Converts an IP version 4 IP address to its representation as an unsigned 32-bit numeric value. | |
Converts an IP version 4 IP address to its representation as an unsigned 32-bit numeric value. | |
Converts an IP version 4 address to its hexadecimal representation. | |
Converts an IP version 4 address to its octal representation. | |
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Converts an IPV6 address to a colon-delimited hexidecimal string. | |
Converts a string to an IPv6 network address. | |
Determines if the byte value can be represented using characters from the US-ASCII character set. | |
Determines if byte values can be represented in the US-ASCII character set. | |
Determines if a byte value is a Letter, Digit, or Hyphen in the US-ASCII character set. | |
Determines if a byte values contain only Letters, Digits, or Hyphens in the US-ASCII character set. | |
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Determines if a character contains either '0' or '1'. | |
Determines if the specified thread is the current thread of execution. | |
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Indicates if a Host address represents a valid Domain name. | |
Indicates if a Domain name is fully-qualified, but not a top-level domain name. | |
Indicates if a character is valid for use in a hexadecimal number. | |
Determines if the character is a valid hexadecimal digit. | |
Determines if the characters are valid hexadecimal digit. | |
Determines if FTP directory listing text represents a delimited 24-hour time string. | |
Indicates if a value is a Host name and not an IP address. | |
Indicates if the date and time value occurs in the preceeding six months. | |
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Indicates if a string represents a valid MDTM date and time stamp value. | |
Indicates if a string contains a valid date using the specified delimiters. | |
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Determines if the character is a valid numeric digit. | |
Determines if the characters are valid numeric digits. | |
Determines if the character is a valid octal digit. | |
Determines if the characters are valid octal digits. | |
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Checks an address for the presence of a top-level domain name. | |
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Indicates if an argument contains a valid IP address. | |
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Indicates if a string value contains only whitespace characters. | |
Indicates if a string contains a date in YYYMMDD format with delimiters. | |
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Converts a Syslog facility enumeration value to its ordinal value in the enumeration. | |
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Convert a Syslog severity enumeration value to the ordinal position of the value in the enumeration. | |
This function creates an ACK packet for TFTP protocol. | |
Converts and IP version 4 address to its simplest and most significant form. | |
Converts and IP version 6 address to its simplest and most significant form. | |
Converts a numeric internet address to its canonical representation in dotted decimal form. | |
Constructs a unique name for a temporary file. | |
Determines the larger of two 64-bit Integer values. | |
Determines the larger of two Integer values. | |
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Locates a string occurring in the specified memory buffer. | |
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Determines the smaller of two 64-bit integer values. | |
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Copies string characters using positions and length. | |
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Converts an ordinal facility number to its TIdSyslogFacility enumeration value. | |
Converts an ordinal Severity value to its enumeration value. | |
Converts four byte values to their representation as a Cardinal value. | |
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Parses a native date/time value from its string representation. | |
This is function ParseFacts. | |
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Indicates the position where bytes values appear in the source byte values. | |
Locates the position of a string within another string. | |
Determines the position of the specified SmallInt value in an array of SmallInt values. | |
Searches an array of strings for an occurrence of the search string. | |
Resolves a directory path containing relative path information. | |
Converts values to their representation as a TIdBytes data type. | |
Copies untyped values into a fixed-size array of Bytes. | |
Reads a character value from a stream implementation. | |
Reads a line of text from a stream. | |
Reads a string value from a stream implementation. | |
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Associates an authentication class reference with a given method name. | |
Adds a TIdFTPListParserBase descendant to the list of parser classes available for use in the Indy FTP client. | |
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Extracts a parameter argument and its value from a RFC-complaint message header. | |
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Constructs the MIME media type, subtype and encoding for the file. | |
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Calculates a rotated-left value. | |
Calculates a rotated-right value. | |
Finds the index of a search string using a specified starting position. | |
Indicates if the bye values in B1 and B2 are identical. | |
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Determines the location of the services file for the local file system. | |
Updates the time on the local computer. | |
Assigns the class reference used to allocate the global protocol stack instance used in the Indy library. | |
Sets the name for the current thread of execution. | |
Adjusts the priority of a thread relative to other processes. | |
Converts a syslog severity enumeration value to its string representation. | |
Suspends the current thread for the specified number of milliseconds. | |
Separates values specified in AData into columns. | |
Separates values specified in AData into columns. | |
Splits a string at the first occurrence of a delimiter. | |
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Converts a string containing reserved HTML Entity references to a string using HTML reserved characters. | |
Converts a string containing reserved HTML characters to a string using HTML Entity references. | |
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This function converts a string value into a cardinal.. | |
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Converts a string to its representation as a Word value. | |
Converts a string containing reserved XHTML CHaracter Entity references to a string using HTML reserved characters. | |
Converts a string containing reserved XHTML characters to a string using XHTML Character Entity references. | |
Compares strings based on the current locale without case sensitivity. | |
Checks for the specified substring at the beginning of the specified text. | |
Retrieves the number of milliseconds since the computer was started. | |
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Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. | |
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. | |
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. | |
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. | |
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. | |
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. | |
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. | |
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. | |
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. | |
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Converts values to their hexadecimal representation. | |
Converts values to their hexadecimal representation. | |
Removes leading and trailing occurrences of the specified characters. | |
Converts two byte values to their Word representation. | |
Converts the specified characters to their representation as a Word data type. | |
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Removes a registered authentication class scheme. | |
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Determines the Windows platform and operating system for an Indy application. | |
Converts a Word data type to its string representation. | |
Converts a Word value and stores the two byte values in a ByteArray. | |
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Writes the contents of a memory stream to a TStream descendant. | |
Writes a string data type to a stream. | |
Write TIdBytes values to a TStream. | |
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Internet Direct (Indy) version 10.1.5
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved. Website Post feedback to the Indy Documentation newsgroup. |