Internet Direct (Indy)

The following table lists functions in this documentation.

Converts ABNF rules and data to plain text. 
Derives the year for a partial date value. 
Appends a byte value to the specified destination. 
AppendBytes is a utility procedure used with TIdBytes values. 
Adds a string value to existing data in a TIdBytes storage variable. 
Converts an AS400-formatted date from a string to a native data type. 
Converts a string representing bits to an integer value. 
Converts a single byte to its 2-byte hexadecimal representation. 
Separates a string into a list of tokens using a specified delimiter. 
Converts a TIdByte value to the ordinal datatype. 
Converts a byte value to a character data type. 
Converts byte values to a 64-bit integer data type. 
Converts a TIdByte value to the ordinal datatype. 
Converts byte values to an IP version 6 network address. 
Copies binary values from an array of bytes into an untyped buffer location. 
Ordinal value of the TIdByte argument.
Converts a TIdByte value to the ordinal datatype. 
Converts a TIdBytes value to a String datatype. 
Converts an array of byte values to its representation as a Word data type. 
Converts a byte value to its hexadecimal representation. 
Converts a byte value to its octal representation. 
Converts a Cardinal value to its representation as a four character string. 
Checks for end-of-line characters at a position in a string. 
Checks a character in a string for membership in a set of characters. 
Indicates the position where a character occurs in a specified string. 
Converts a character to its representation as a two-byte hexadecimal value with a prefix. 
Determines user, group, and object permissions bits assigned using the specified Unix chmod value. 
Converts a UNIX chmod value to a string that represents user, group, and Owner permissions. 
Converts a UNIX chmod value to strings that represent user, group, and Owner permissions. 
Constructs a comma-delimited list of values. 
Fills a string list with values from a comma-delimited string. 
Compares DNS tree nodes for sorting purposes. 
Converts binary values from network byte order to host-specific byte order for the data type. 
Converts binary values from network byte order to host-specific byte order for the data type. 
Copies the source file to the destination file. 
Copies byte values between Array of Byte variables. 
Copies bytes values between TIdBytes instances. 
Stores the ordinal data type in an array of bytes. 
Copies bytes from an Int64 data type into an array of bytes. 
Copies word values from a structured IP into an array of bytes. 
Copies bytes values from the ordinal data type into the specified array of bytes. 
Converts binary values from host byte order to network byte order for the data type. 
Converts binary values from host byte order to network byte order for the data type. 
Copy all or part of a string data type into the specified array bytes. 
Copies bytes values from the ordinal data type into the specified array of bytes. 
Retrieves the process identifier for the active process. 
Determines the process identifier for the current thread of execution in the application. 
Converts a string to a native date/time value. 
Writes output used during debugging. 
Converts Shift_JIS to ISO-2022-JP character set encoding. 
Removes encoding applied to an email address. 
Decodes a list of email addresses. 
Decodes a message header with content and/or character set encoding. 
Decodes the specified values using a decoder class reference. 
Indicates if the specified path already exists in the local file system. 
Converts Shift_JIS to ISO-2022-JP character set encoding. 
Encodes RFC 2822 EMail Addresses that contains special characters. 
Converts an email address to a string using contenta and transfer encodings and character set. 
Encodes a message header that contains non-US-ASCII characters. 
Encodes the specified values using an encoder class reference. 
Ensure the message identifier contains angle brackets used in the NNTP protocol. 
Extracts an attribute value from a message header. 
Converts a TIdSyslogFacility value to a string. 
Parses a token from the delimited input string. 
Locates and returns the initial byte values up to the indicated delimiter. 
Parses a token from the delimited input string without case-sensitivity. 
Retrieves the size of a specified file. 
Initializes a specified number of bytes in an array of bytes to a specific value. 
Retrieves a class instance to be used for the authentication method. 
Locates the enumeration value for a character set name. 
Indicates the position where a character not in the search string occurs. 
Locates the position where any of the characters in a search string occur in a string value. 
Locates the preferred character set enumeration values for a given character set alias. 
This is function gaiErrorToWsaError. 
Gets the current time on the local system as an Integer file time value. 
Get the default file extension associated with a MIME type and subtype. 
Retrieves the MIME type for a given file. 
Retrieves the handle or identifier for the specified thread. 
Calculates the elapsed tick count from two tick count values. 
Generates a unique file name with the specified path, prefix, and file extension. 
Converts an Internet time difference string to a native date/time value. 
Converts a GMT time string to the local time. 
Deletes a number of characters from a String beginning at a given position. 
Inserts a string value into an existing string at the indicated position. 
List of defined ports in the services file for the local host. 
Assigns the global stack instance for the Indy library. 
Derives a return value based on a conditional expression. 
Derives a return value based on a conditional expression. 
Derives a return value based on a conditional expression. 
Compares two strings case sensitively. 
Determines the local host name for the computer system. 
Converts a string to it's lowercase representation. 
Converts a string value to its Boolean representation. 
Converts a string to it's uppercase representation. 
Determine if the current thread is the main thread for the application. 
Converts an IP version 4 IP address to its representation as an unsigned 32-bit numeric value. 
Converts an IP version 4 IP address to its representation as an unsigned 32-bit numeric value. 
Converts an IP version 4 address to its hexadecimal representation. 
Converts an IP version 4 address to its octal representation. 
Converts an IPV6 address to a colon-delimited hexidecimal string. 
Converts a string to an IPv6 network address. 
Determines if the byte value can be represented using characters from the US-ASCII character set. 
Determines if byte values can be represented in the US-ASCII character set. 
Determines if a byte value is a Letter, Digit, or Hyphen in the US-ASCII character set. 
Determines if a byte values contain only Letters, Digits, or Hyphens in the US-ASCII character set. 
Determines if a character contains either '0' or '1'. 
Determines if the specified thread is the current thread of execution. 
Indicates if a Host address represents a valid Domain name. 
Indicates if a Domain name is fully-qualified, but not a top-level domain name. 
Indicates if a character is valid for use in a hexadecimal number. 
Determines if the character is a valid hexadecimal digit. 
Determines if the characters are valid hexadecimal digit. 
Determines if FTP directory listing text represents a delimited 24-hour time string. 
Indicates if a value is a Host name and not an IP address. 
Indicates if the date and time value occurs in the preceeding six months. 
Indicates if a string represents a valid MDTM date and time stamp value. 
Indicates if a string contains a valid date using the specified delimiters. 
Determines if the character is a valid numeric digit. 
Determines if the characters are valid numeric digits. 
Determines if the character is a valid octal digit. 
Determines if the characters are valid octal digits. 
Checks an address for the presence of a top-level domain name. 
Indicates if an argument contains a valid IP address. 
Indicates if a string value contains only whitespace characters. 
Indicates if a string contains a date in YYYMMDD format with delimiters. 
Converts a Syslog facility enumeration value to its ordinal value in the enumeration. 
Convert a Syslog severity enumeration value to the ordinal position of the value in the enumeration. 
This function creates an ACK packet for TFTP protocol. 
Converts and IP version 4 address to its simplest and most significant form. 
Converts and IP version 6 address to its simplest and most significant form. 
Converts a numeric internet address to its canonical representation in dotted decimal form. 
Constructs a unique name for a temporary file. 
Determines the larger of two 64-bit Integer values. 
Determines the larger of two Integer values. 
Locates a string occurring in the specified memory buffer. 
Determines the smaller of two 64-bit integer values. 
Copies string characters using positions and length. 
Converts an ordinal facility number to its TIdSyslogFacility enumeration value. 
Converts an ordinal Severity value to its enumeration value. 
Converts four byte values to their representation as a Cardinal value. 
Parses a native date/time value from its string representation. 
This is function ParseFacts. 
Indicates the position where bytes values appear in the source byte values. 
Locates the position of a string within another string. 
Determines the position of the specified SmallInt value in an array of SmallInt values. 
Searches an array of strings for an occurrence of the search string. 
Resolves a directory path containing relative path information. 
Converts values to their representation as a TIdBytes data type. 
Copies untyped values into a fixed-size array of Bytes. 
Reads a character value from a stream implementation. 
Reads a line of text from a stream. 
Reads a string value from a stream implementation. 
Associates an authentication class reference with a given method name. 
Adds a TIdFTPListParserBase descendant to the list of parser classes available for use in the Indy FTP client. 
Extracts a parameter argument and its value from a RFC-complaint message header. 
Constructs the MIME media type, subtype and encoding for the file. 
Calculates a rotated-left value. 
Calculates a rotated-right value. 
Finds the index of a search string using a specified starting position. 
Indicates if the bye values in B1 and B2 are identical. 
Determines the location of the services file for the local file system. 
Updates the time on the local computer. 
Assigns the class reference used to allocate the global protocol stack instance used in the Indy library. 
Sets the name for the current thread of execution. 
Adjusts the priority of a thread relative to other processes. 
Converts a syslog severity enumeration value to its string representation. 
Suspends the current thread for the specified number of milliseconds. 
Separates values specified in AData into columns. 
Separates values specified in AData into columns. 
Splits a string at the first occurrence of a delimiter. 
Converts a string containing reserved HTML Entity references to a string using HTML reserved characters. 
Converts a string containing reserved HTML characters to a string using HTML Entity references. 
This function converts a string value into a cardinal.. 
Converts a string to its representation as a Word value. 
Converts a string containing reserved XHTML CHaracter Entity references to a string using HTML reserved characters. 
Converts a string containing reserved XHTML characters to a string using XHTML Character Entity references. 
Compares strings based on the current locale without case sensitivity. 
Checks for the specified substring at the beginning of the specified text. 
Retrieves the number of milliseconds since the computer was started. 
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. 
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. 
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. 
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. 
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. 
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. 
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. 
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. 
Converts the data type to a TIdBytes value. 
Converts values to their hexadecimal representation. 
Converts values to their hexadecimal representation. 
Removes leading and trailing occurrences of the specified characters. 
Converts two byte values to their Word representation. 
Converts the specified characters to their representation as a Word data type. 
Removes a registered authentication class scheme. 
Determines the Windows platform and operating system for an Indy application. 
Converts a Word data type to its string representation. 
Converts a Word value and stores the two byte values in a ByteArray. 
Writes the contents of a memory stream to a TStream descendant. 
Writes a string data type to a stream. 
Write TIdBytes values to a TStream. 
Internet Direct (Indy) version 10.1.5
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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